Deleterio aka Del ft. Fabri Fibra – Zombie


#Deleterio a.k.a. Del #Dadaismo #Cookednews

 Storie di cessi a forma di pera e non è ‘Amore tossico’. Pisciatoi latrine firmati e stoicamente quotati, paradisi artificiali per vesciche puramente maschili. Baffi Gioconda, metronomi monoculari, Ulissi del rap di ritorno ad Itaca. Wheel di bici in sosta, aspettano una chiamata. Il ring suona ed ecco DADAISMO, il primo album di DELETERIO (Dogo Gang)

#Dadaismo  #Gioconda #DELETERIO #cookednews #dadaismo #waveofaction Deleterio a.k.a. Del CookedNews

#WorldWaterDay: 22 marzo, Giornata Mondiale dell’Acqua

#WorldWaterDay #cookednews

Giornata Mondiale dell’Acqua – Risorse idriche e servizi igienici sicuri: salute e sviluppo passano da qui

La Giornata Mondiale dell’Acqua che si celebra il 22 marzo è l’occasione per ricordare come l’accesso a servizi igienici adeguati e fonti di acqua pulita sia una chiave di volta per garantire salute e sviluppo a tutte le comunità più svantaggiate, e per ribadire l’impegno di Amref in Africa Subsahariana, al fianco di queste comunità.

La Giornata Mondiale dell’Acqua, che si celebrerà nel mondo il 22 marzo, quest’anno è dedicata al legame tra l’acqua e l’energia, due risorse spesso negate alle popolazioni più povere della terra. Quasi 800 milioni di persone non hanno accesso a fonti idriche sicure e 2.5 milliardi di individui, 1 su 3 nel mondo, non hanno servizi igienici adeguati, così come 1,3 miliardi di abitanti della Terra vivono senza elettricità.
AMREF, che negli ultimi 13 anni ha garantito accesso ad acqua pulita e sicura a più di 1 milione e mezzo di persone in Kenya, Uganda e Tanzania, ricorda che accesso all’acqua vuol dire meno malattie; più diritti per le donne, i bambini e le comunità svantaggiate; sviluppo economico e sociale.

La mancanza d’igiene e l’acqua impura rappresentano la seconda causa di morte tra i bambini nel mondo e la sola diarrea ne uccide 1,8 milioni. Forte il divario tra Africa e Europa: nel continente africano un bambino ha una probabilità 520 volte maggiore di morire di diarrea rispetto ad un bambino in Europa. Ma anche altre malattie, da noi facilmente curabili, diventano letali per il mancato accesso all’acqua: malattie come colera, tifo, infezioni delle vie respiratorie.

Il problema ha pesanti risvolti anche sociali. Ogni giorno le donne e le ragazzine impiegano anche fino a 10 ore nella ricerca e trasporto dell’acqua. Ciò comporta che le madri non riescono a prendersi cura dei figli, l’igiene domestica scarseggia, le bambine e le ragazze non possono frequentare la scuola. A livello economico si stima che 40 miliardi di ore di lavoro all’anno, in Africa, vanno sprecate per andare ad attingere acqua da fonti spesso contaminate. L’Africa subsahariana, per la mancanza di accesso ad acqua pulita, perde ogni anno il 5% del proprio Pil: 28,4 miliardi di dollari.

Il lavoro di Amref da sempre è quello di agire sulle strutture, con interventi su pozzi, acquedotti, cisterne per la raccolta dell’acqua piovana, ma anche di rendere le comunità pienamente padrone e consapevoli dei progetti: dalla formazione degli artigiani locali per la manutenzione dei pozzi alla trasmissione delle regole di igiene all’interno delle comunità stesse. Attraverso il programma WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene), Amref realizza, insieme alle comunità beneficiarie, sia le infrastrutture necessarie, sia la formazione continua delle comunità stesse sulle norme di educazione igienico-sanitaria e sulla prevenzione delle infezioni causate dall’insalubrità dell’acqua, sulla manutenzione delle opere realizzate, sulla creazione di attività collaterali come orti e vivai comunitari e laghetti artificiali per l’allevamento e la pesca.

Kenya 2013: i nostri traguardi
Nei distretti di Kajiado, Kitui, Makueni, Malindi e Magarini, abbiamo: garantito l’accesso all’acqua pulita e a fonti idriche sicure a oltre 67.850 persone; realizzato 212 pozzi di superficie per 24.100 persone e 22 pozzi giganti per 3.600 persone; 2 dighe di cui beneficiano 6.400 persone, 10 chilometri di acquedotto di cui beneficiano circa 13.000 persone. Con le comunità locali sono stati formati 183 nuovi comitati di gestione dell’acqua, 25 artigiani per la manutenzione. Nelle scuole costruite 20 nuove aule, 48 latrine, 15 cisterne per la raccolta di acqua piovana.

Per saperne di più sul progetto in Kenya Sostieni i progetti idrici di AMREF Costruisci un pozzo con AMREF

#WorldWaterDay  #water  #cookednews

ONYX releasing new album in 2014 #WAKEDAFUCUP

#WAKEDAFUCUP #cookednews

Exclusive: Onyx explain their global view of Hip Hop, working with Snowgoons and beating Dr. Dre’s ‘The Chronic’ at the 1993 ‘Soul Train Awards.’ (‘Wakedafucup’ will be the group’s eighth album)

#WAKEDAFUCUP available on iTunes worldwide March.18.2014

Talk of the late Christopher Wallace is the jumping off point for a list of what Fredro refers to as fallen soldiers. Relationships with the likes of Jam Master Jay, Tupac Shakur and group members X-1 and Big DS pepper the conversation. If Nas’ infamous line about sleep being the cousin of death is any indication, that at least partially explains why Fredro and Sticky have been so charged for the last 20-plus years. In an industry that often caters to and rewards being mentally comatose, sometimes a well-executed scream is the best option…even at 7:00 a.m.

With aggressive tracks such as the iconic ‘Slam‘ or their latest track, ‘Wakedafucup,’ it’s easy to fall into the trap of assuming Onyx simply reserves their high energy level for the recording booth. That would be an incorrect assumption. When Fredro Starr and Sticky Fingaz call from Samara, Russia at 7:00 a.m. Pacific Time—due to the 12-hour time difference between Los Angeles and Samara—the pair are just as amped up as they sound on wax.

Sticky Fingaz yells, “Wake the fuck up!” at least twice. Maybe it’s in jest, given the early interview time, or maybe he’s dead serious in regards to how Onyx feel about Hip Hop. Either way, he and Fredro feed off of one another’s energy. This is especially true when discussing their upcoming Wakedafucupalbum, which was produced entirely by the Snowgoons.

‘I think this Wakedafucup album with these niggas from Germany is gonna set the fuse off for the New York sound again,’ Fredro explains. ‘You got other niggas coming out representing that New York sound, and this is gonna be the start of it. That’s why we’re dropping it on March 9, which is the anniversary of Biggie’s death… 

#WAKEDAFUCUP #cookednews #hiphopcookednews

De La Soul talks free downloads, new music at Sxsw

Damon Albarn, right, is joined by #DeLaSoul’s Vincent Mason while performing during the SXSW Music Festival Friday March 14, 2014, in Austin, Texas. (Photo by Jack Plunkett/Invision/AP) #cookednews

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Get ready for a lot of new De La Soul music.

Dave Jolicouer, a member of the classic hip-hop group, says a new mixtape will be issued in the next week or so and the trio is working on two full albums they hope to release later this year.

A little more than a month ago, De La Soul gave away its entire catalog for free on Valentine’s Day, and the result showed the trio there’s plenty of love still out there 25 years after issuing the landmark release ‘3 Feet High and Rising.’

‘It motivated us even more,’ Jolicoeur said before a surprise South By Southwest appearance with Damon Albarn on Friday night. ‘We’re already in the process of recording two albums, but actually it made us feel like we really, really need to get this done. People are still fans, still really love the music and let’s do it for them.’

The response to the group offering seven full-album downloads online went beyond modest expectations — demand was so heavy that it temporarily overwhelmed the servers and the hip-hop group had to ask fans to be patient.

The numbers were ‘insane, I’m afraid to say it,’ Jolicouer said. ‘I’m not really allowed to, but I’ll say I was expecting it to be somewhere between 15,000 and 25,000 people. Man, you can multiply that by whatever number you can throw in the air, so it was ridiculous.’

He said the move was not a marketing campaign, but a gift to fans, who only had to provide an email address. The group’s music is difficult to find for a number of reasons, including tangled sample and ownership issues and now-shuttered labels.

‘I thought it was really cool,’ Jolicoeur said. ‘We had an opportunity to speak to our attorneys, and, you know, in hindsight it was maybe not the smartest thing to do. But in the midst of it, a lot of people think, ‘Great campaign, great promotion, great publicity stunt,’ but it really wasn’t. …

‘It was just, ‘What can we do for Valentine’s Day? Yo, we can give away our catalog. Yeah, why not?’

Of the new two albums the group is working on, he said one will be sample-based and one will be recorded with a live band, Los Angeles’ Rhythm Roots Allstars. The mixtape will include some new songs as well as some reworked material.

‘But in a De La fashion, it’s just not a mixtape with 11 songs,’ Jolicoeur said. ‘There are skits and things. It’s cool. That’s coming out in about a week, and hopefully God willing more De La music.

‘That’s all we do. There won’t be any movies. There won’t be any fashion lines, nothing like that. Just music.’

#3FeetHighandRising #CookedNews #hiphop #legend #hiphop#CookedNews

GAZA. Passaporti, l’Italia non è ancora pronta

boycott israel #cookednews #stayhuman

A 5 mesi dalla direttiva UE che impone la raccolta delle impronte digitali per i visti di ingresso in Europa, nella Striscia il sistema non è partito. I gazawi restano bloccati, a Ramallah i costi lievitano

di Chiara Cruciati – Il Manifesto

Gaza City, 14 marzo 2014, Nena News – Come se non bastassero assedio israeliano e restrizioni del governo egiziano, ora a bloccare Gaza ci si mettono pure i ritardi dell’Unione Europea. Lo segnalano alcuni gazawi, da mesi in attesa di risposte da parte del consolato italiano, ancora non adeguatosi alla nuova normativa europea del 14 novembre scorso.

La normativa prevede la creazione del sistema Visa Protection System per l’acquisizione dei dati biometrici di extracomunitari che chiedono un visto di ingresso nella Ue. Fotografia e impronte digitali. La procedura permetterà di verificare l’autenticità dei documenti presentati per entrare in Italia e in Europa.

Cosa succede nei Territori Occupati? Il nuovo sistema obbliga il richiedente a presentarsi personalmente negli uffici dei consolati per essere fotografato e lasciare le impronte digitali. Facile, se non si è residente a Gaza o in Cisgiordania. Tutti i consolati europei hanno sede a Gerusalemme, inaccessibile se non dietro il difficile ottenimento del permesso di ingresso da parte delle autorità israeliane. La soluzione trovata è semplice: se Maometto non va alla montagna, la montagna va da Maometto.

A Gaza ogni consolato ha previsto l’apertura di un ufficio dove sono state portate le attrezzature necessarie. A cinque mesi dall’emissione della normativa Ue, però, l’Italia non è ancora riuscita a far partire il nuovo sistema nella Striscia. «I consolati europei si sono adeguati – ci spiega Majed Abusalama, attivista del gruppo Intifada Youth Coalition – Quello italiano no e per ora non collabora con gli altri per utilizzare le loro attrezzature. Da novembre sono decine i gazawi impossibilitati a richiedere il visto per l’Italia, per turismo o perché invitati a eventi e conferenze. Hanno in mano i documenti necessari ma non possono fare domanda. E alcuni inviti sono scaduti».

I consolati europei sono a conoscenza della normativa da novembre, «ora siamo a marzo e non hanno ovviato al problema. Dal consolato ci rispondono che la situazione si dovrebbe risolvere entro un mese. Non vogliamo che l’Italia sia parte dell’occupazione ».

«A giorni il problema dovrebbe essere risolto – risponde la vice console italiana a Gerusalemme, Elena Clemente – Dal 14 novembre non si opera più via posta, per cui abbiamo cercato soluzioni alternative per chi non può entrare a Gerusalemme, ma i fondi a disposizione non sono molti. Abbiamo aperto un ufficio a Ramallah con la Vfs Globe, con cui apriremo l’ufficio di Gaza che ha iniziato a lavorare sperimentalmente. Il problema è logistico, di elettricità per far funzionare le apparecchiature venute dall’Italia. Gaza è un’incognita».

Un problema non solo italiano, spiega la Clemente, che si tenta di superare nei casi di emergenza: «Se si tratta di visti di massima urgenza, entriamo a Gaza con un macchinario speciale».

Due muri più in là, a Ramallah, a gestire le richieste di visto è la Vfs Globe. Raccolgono dati biometrici e documenti e consegnano tutto a Gerusalemme. Il costo sfiora i 100 euro, un terzo dello stipendio medio di un palestinese della Cisgiordania. E c’è chi parla di normalizzazione del conflitto: invece di fare pressioni su Israele perché permetta l’ingresso a Gerusalemme, l’Europa bypassa l’occupazione spostandosi a Ramallah, nei fatti trattata come capitale palestinese nonostante il diritto internazionale.

«Una scelta obbligata – spiega la vice console – Il costo è alto, ma l’alternativa è farli andare ad Amman o al Cairo. Permessi per entrare a Gerusalemme? Non dipende da noi, ma dalle autorità israeliane, sono pochissimi i palestinesi che riescono ad ottenerli».

E a Gaza si continua ad aspettare.

#stayhuman #cookednews #BOYCOTTISRAEL #BDS #BreakGazaSeige #SAVEGAZA

#www #WaveOfAction Worldwide Wave Launch Gatherings – The People REVOLT

#WaveOfAction 4-4-14 ~ 7-4-14 #Cookednews

Now that you’ve seen The People REVOLT in Tunisia, Turkey, Spain, Egypt, Brazil and the Ukraine, tell me what will happen on the streets

On April 4th, we will launch the first phase of the Worldwide Wave of Action by gathering at Zuccotti Park and former occupation sites throughout the world to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  At 6:05pm CT, the time of his assassination, we will host vigil ceremonies and resurrect his spirit of nonviolent direct action.

People with opinions across the political spectrum are invited to unite and find common ground against corruption. We will overcome divide and conquer propaganda by forming communities of support and compassion. Together we will fight for freedom and begin engaging in a relentless campaign of nonviolent civil disobedience. People will pledge to take part in whatever tactics they are interested in throughout a sustained three-month cycle.  Here’s a basic list of tactics…

> Mass gatherings, demonstrations;
> Marches, parades;
> Flash mobs, swarms;
> Shutdown harmful corporate and governmental operations;
> Worker Strikes;
> Hunger strikes;
> Sit-ins;
> Strategic defaults, debt strikes;
> Foreclosure prevention;
> Boycotting corrupt corporations;
> Move your money out of the big banks and the stock market;
> Use alternative currencies and economic systems;
> Cancel your cable television and support independent media;
> Use independent online tools that don’t sell your info / protect privacy;
> Online civil disobedience, Anonymous operations;
> Leak information on corruption;
> Use alternative energy;
> Build urban and hydroponic farms, or get your food from them;
> Support local businesses;
> Join local community organizations;
> Take part in food banks and help develop community support systems;
> Start or join intentional and autonomous communities;
> Experiment with new governing systems, Liquid Democracy;
> Host teach-ins;
> Organize socially conscious events;
> Make conscious media;
> Guerrilla postering, messages on money;
> Help inspiring groups and organizations spread their message;
> Random acts of kindness and compassion;
> Mass meditations, prayer sessions and spiritual actions.

You know what you can do to play a part. Do whatever you feel inspired to do. Amplify what you are already doing. Think about what you are willing to do to be the change we urgently need to see in the world, and then do it.

We look forward to seeing you in action!

Organize a Worldwide Wave launch gathering in your hometown and post the details here

#WaveOfAction #WakeUp #cookednews #www #WaveOfAction #privacy

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International day against Police Brutality

15mars #cookednews

Day Against Police Brutality March 15, 2014 in the World

From Fullerton to Durham, the police continue their oppression and walk away with impunity. We must shatter the illusion of complacency. They protect a system of that destroys our earth and the animals that walk it, they are the wall between the people and justice. On the 15th of March, join us in the streets, show Portland we aren’t ready to aquiesce. Meet at Colonel Summers park(20th and Belmont), We meet a 8pm and march at 9. Bring banners, fireworks, friends, and whatever you think is appropriate. We will respect each other, in whatever tactics folks choose to engage in. We encourage people to help with postering, telling friends, banner drops, making leaflets, just articulating your hatred for the cops. Let’s bring some more people out this time!!FTP!

International Day Against Police Brutality is observed on March 15, 2014. It first began in 1997 as an initiative of the Montreal based Collective Opposed to Police Brutality and the Black Flag group in Switzerland. Acceptance of March 15 as a focal day of solidarity against police brutality varies from one place to another.

In the United States, the October 22 Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation, a group mounted by the RCP, has succeeded in building support for October 22 (also known as O22) as National Anti Police Brutality Day since 1995

Event date: Saturday, March 15, 2014 – 21 to Sunday, March 16, 2014 – 12 (anarchistnews dot org)

Against airport Notre-Dame-Des-Landes: police attack 20,000 french citizens

Against Airport Notre-Dame-Des-Landes #Cookednews

The event attended by ten’s of thousands of French citizens against the airport Notre-Dame-des-Landes escalated Saturday afternoon in the city center of Nantes when Police blockaded the progression of the march and attacked with charges to the people protesting. Many citizens were wounded by tear gas and rubber bullets. Participants responded with fired projectiles – bottles, cans, steel balls, flares – towards the police who charged repeatedly.

About 20,000 people demonstrated in the city center of Nantes to protest against the construction of the new airport of Our Lady of Landes. Des violent clashes took place at the end of the event between violent groups and CRS. (Franck Dubray)

‘This is tens of thousands,’ assured Julien Durand, spokesman for the ACIPA, the main opposition group to the airport project, while refusing to give a precise figure.

According to him, the participation is equivalent to the previous rallies, such as in November 2012 which according to the organizers had expected 40,000 people (13,000 according to police).

In the late afternoon, the city center of Nantes showed scenes of devastation. People took out frustration from being ignored for years and beaten down when they speak out by ransacking a police station, an agency of Vinci (dealer airport project) group, but also broke several storefronts, any agency of Nantes transport or agency Nouvelles Frontières. At least two construction equipment vehicles and a barricade were also burned.

Objects were thrown at the SNCF catenary to block the movement of trains one source said. As for police, they made use of a large amount of tear gas, stun grenades and water cannons.

Protesters moved away blinded by tear gas while several hundred others continued to face the police, referring new projectiles bottles, or even own grenades forces.

‘No matter what tell the prefecture, for all of you it is a great success,’ provided at the end of the event Julien Durand.

‘An unnecessary and expensive project’
The demonstration had started in a friendly atmosphere. ‘No thank you Ayraultport’, ‘No to Ayrault pork‘, ‘Ayrault also emerges Vinci’, ‘Ni or airport metropolis, the city is ours’ we heard in the procession.

‘The mobilization is great here. We are here to show our determination to abandon this useless and expensive at this time of shortage project,’ said AFP Eva Joly MEP EELV.

Given the anti-capitalist component of the event and clashes that have marked previous events, the prefecture on Friday adopted a modification of the route so that it avoids the downtown core.

The event is organized two months after the publication of prefectural ordinances authorizing the start of pre-construction of the airport. Appeals were filed against these orders but do not have suspensive effect.However, work has still not started.

The inauguration of the future Grand Ouest Airport, originally scheduled for 2017, is now considered only ‘2019 or 2020’ by supporters of the transfer. According to an Ifop poll published Saturday, a majority of French (56%) are opposed to the future airport, 24% being positive and 20% were undecided.

This survey was conducted on behalf of Acting for the environment, Attac and ACIPA, the leading association of opponents to the project. The project of public utility in 2008, is justified by its supporters, PS as the UMP, including the risk of saturation of the current airport Nantes Atlantique.

#Nantes, #France, #NDDLCookednews#cookednews,#cookednews23CookedNews

An Ukrainian alpine skier and her staff boycott Sochi 2014

Ukrainian alpine skier Bogdana Matsotska and her father said they will not represent their national team in the Sochi Winter Games any longer because of the deaths on EuroMaidan #Cookednews

Ukrainian Olympic alpine skier Bohdana Matsotska and her father posted a message on Facebook stating that they no longer will represent their nation’s team in the Sochi Winter Games over the bloody events on EuroMaidan and blamed President Viktor Yanukovych for bloodshed.

Oleg Matsotskyy of Kosiv, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Bogdana Matsotska’s father and trainer, said the two are ‘extremely angry at President Viktor Yanukovych’s latest actions who instead of resolving the conflict through negotiations (which we had hoped he would when we left for Sochi), has drenched the last hopes of the nation in blood.

‘In solidarity with the fighters on the barricades of the Maidan, and as a protest against the criminal actions made towards the protesters, the irresponsibility of the president and his lackey government, we refuse further performance at the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014.’

Earlier, Ukraine Olympic Committee head Serhiy Bubka told Channel 5 in Sochi that he was ‘shocked’ to hear of the Feb. 18 deaths after protesters clashed with police.

He conveyed his condolences to the bereaved families and called on both sides ‘to return to the discussion table to preserve our wonderful country and nation, as well as peace on our land. The events (on EuroMaidan) troubles and concerns us all.’ (Kyiv Post editor Mark Rachkevych can be reached

EU foreign ministers called an emergency meeting on Ukraine for Thursday (today, 20 February, in Brussels) and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said the 28-nation bloc was set to impose sanctions against those blamed for the bloodshed.

In this video, an activist fallen down during a protest and he was beaten by a consistent number of polices.

At the moment, 30 people was killed during the battle between protestors and militaries at #Euromaidan|(PR News #Kyiv #Ukraine)

#Ucraina#Kiev#Kyiv #Ukraine #euromaidan#CookedNews

JAY Z ‘Picasso Baby: A Performance Art Film’

JAY Z Picasso Baby Life+Time on CookedNews

‘Picasso Baby’ is a song by American hip hop artist Jay-Z from his twelfth studio album Magna Carta… Holy Grail. It is the second track on the album and features additional vocals by The-Dream and Zofia Borucka Moreno. The song was produced by Timbaland and Jerome “J-Roc” Harmon and contains a sample of “Sirens” by Adrian Younge. Following the release of the album, the song peaked at number 91 on the Billboard Hot 100 based on downloads only.

‘Picasso Baby’ has a lot of references to popular artists such as Pablo PicassoMark RothkoJeff KoonsFrancis BaconJean-Michel Basquiat, and Andy Warhol, as well as world-famous painting Mona Lisa.

The music video for the song, titled ‘Picasso Baby: A Performance Art Film‘ was shot on July 10, 2013, at the Pace Gallery in New York City. The video, directed by Mark Romanek, was inspired by the work of performance artist Marina Abramović and in particular by her 2010 installation ‘The Artist Is Present’. The shoot was attended by director Judd Apatow, rapper Wale and artistLaurie Simmons, among many other ‘important figures from the gallery and sales side of fine art.’ On August 2, 2013, the music video premiered on HBO at 11 p.m. EST.

Picasso Baby: A Performance Art Film was nominated for Best Music Video at the 56th Annual Grammy AwardsRolling Stone ranked ‘Picasso Baby’ at number 19, on their list of the 100 Best Songs of 2013, calling it “the standout track from Jay Z’s lackluster ‘Magna Carta… Holy Grail’.

JAY Z ‘Picasso Baby: A Performance Art Film.’ Directed by Mark Romanek

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